Conference & Workshop Papers

Conference and Workshop Papers

  1. Mitchell, J.K. “The Application of Colloidal Theory to the Compressibility of Clays,” Proceedings, Seminar on Interparticle Forces in Clay-Water-Electrolyte Systems, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization, Melbourne, Australia, February 1960,pp. 2-92 — 2-97.
  2. Seed, H.B., Mitchell, J.K. and Chan, C.K. “The Strength of Compacted Cohesive Soils,” Procs., Research Conference on the Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils, American Society of Civil Engineers, University of Colorado, Boulder, June 13-17, 1960, pp. 877-964, 1961.
  3. Mitchell, J.K. “Components of Pore Water Pressure and their Engineering Significance,” Clays and Clay Minerals, 9th National Clay Conference, Pergamon Press, 1962, pp. 162-184.
  4. Seed, H.B. and Mitchell, J.K. “Test Interpretation and Errors,” Moderators’ Report for Session 4, ASTM-NRC Canada Symposium on Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils, Ottawa, September 9 – 11, 1963. (Published in American Soc. for Testing and Materials Spec. Tech. Pub. No. 361, 1964, pp. 401-415).
  5. Mitchell, J.K. and Campanella, R.G. “Creep Studies on Saturated Clays,” Laboratory Shear Testing of Soils, American Society for Testing and Materials (ITTE Reprint No. 145), Spec. Tech. Pub. No. 361, pp. 90-110, 1964.
  6. Mitchell, J.K. and El Jack, S.A. “Electron Microscope Studies of Interactions Between Hydrating Portland Cement and Soil Minerals,” (with S. A. El Jack), Highway Research Board, January 1965.
  7. Mitchell, J.K. and McConnell, J.R. “Some Characteristics of the Elastic and Plastic Deformation of Clay on Initial Loading,” Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundations Engineering, Vol. 1, pp. 313-317, 1965.
  8. Mitchell, J.K. “Panel Discussion on Soil Compaction,” American Society for Testing and Materials, Spec. Tech. Pub. 377, 1965, pp. 80-91.
  9. Mitchell, J.K. and El Jack, S.A. “The Fabric of Clay Cement and Its Formation,” 14th North American Clay Minerals Conference, Second Meeting of the Clay Minerals Society, University of California, Berkeley, August 23-26, 1965. (Published in Clays and Clay Minerals, Pergamon Press, 1966, pp. 297-305).
  10. Gray, D.H. and Mitchell, J.K. “Estimation of Electro-Osmotic Efficiency in Soils,” ASCE Structural Engineering Conference, Seattle, WA, May 8-12, 1967.
  11. Mitchell, J.K. and Shen, C.K. “Soil-Cement Properties Determined by Repeated Loading in Relation to Bases for Flexible Pavements,” Proceedings, Second Int’l. Conference of the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 7-11, 1968, pp. 427-451.
  12. Mitchell, J.K. “Temperature Effects on the Engineering Properties and Behavior of Soils,” Effects of Temperature and Heat on the Engineering Behavior of Soils, Highway Research Board Special Report 103, pp. 9-28, 1969.
  13. Mitchell, J.K. Panel Discussion: “Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics, Including Time Effects,” Proceedings Seventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico City, August 1969, Vol. 3, pp. 159-169.
  14. Morgenstern, N., Quigley, R.M. and Mitchell, J.K. “Structural and Physico-Chemical Effects on Properties of Clays,” Summary Report on Specialty Session No. 7, Proceedings Seventh Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico City, August 1969, Vol. 3, pp. 455-471.
  15. Singh, A. and Mitchell, J.K. “Creep Potential and Creep Rupture of Soils,” Proceedings of Seventh International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Mexico City, August 1969, Vol. 1, pp. 379.
  16. Mitchell, J.K. “Theoretical Approaches to Soil-Cement Pavement Thickness Design,” 49th Annual Meeting of the Highway Research Board, Washington, C., 19 pp. + 16 Figs., 1970.
  17. Costes, N.C. and Mitchell, J.K. “Apollo 11 Soil Mechanics Investigation,” Proc. Apollo Lunar Science Conf., Vo; 3, 1970, pp. 3025-3044.
  18. Hovland, H.J. and Mitchell, J.K. “Pressure Distribution and Soil Failure Beneath a Towed, Rigid Spherical Wheel in Air Dry Sand,” Proc., ISTVS-TRW Off-Road Mobility Symposium, Los Angeles, Calif., pp. 107-127, Nov. 3-4, 1970.
  19. Mitchell, J.K. and Houston, W.N. “Lunar Core Tube Sampling,” Proc., Apollo 12 Lunar Science Conf., Houston, Texas, Jan., 1971.
  20. Mitchell, J.K. “Soil Mechanics and the Apollo Lunar Landings,” Proc., 21st Soil Mech. and Foundation Eng. Conf., University of Kansas, 1971.
  21. Mitchell, J.K. and Thompson, J.B. “Soil Property Determination by Impact Penetrometer,” Conference on Rapid Penetration of Terrestrial Materials, Texas A & M University, Feb. 1-3, 1972.
  22. Mitchell, J.K., Houston, W.N., Scott, R.F., Costes, N.C., Carrier, W.D. and Bromwell, L.G. “Mechanical Properties of Lunar Soil: Density, Porosity, Cohesion and Angle of Internal Friction,” Proc. Third Lunar Science Conf., Supplement 3, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta:  3:  The M.I.T. Press, pp. 3235-3253, 1972.
  23. Houston, W.N., Hovland, H.J., Mitchell, J.K. and Namiq, L.I. “Lunar Soil Porosity and its Variation as Estimated from Footprints and Boulder Tracks,” Proc. Third Lunar Science Conf., Supplement 3, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta: 3:  The M.I.T. Press, 1972.
  24. Fossberg, P.E., Mitchell, J.K. and Monismith, C.L. “Load-Deformation Characteristics of a Pavement with Cement-Stabilized Base and Asphalt Concrete Surfacing,” Proc. Third Int. Conf. on the Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, 1972.
  25. Durgunoglu, H.T. and Mitchell, J.K. “Static Penetration Resistance of Cohesionless Soils, ASCE Annual and National Environmental Engineering Meeting, Houston, TX, Oct. 1972, 30 pp.
  26. Mitchell, J.K., Carrier, W.D. and Mahmood, A. “Boulder Tracks and Nature of Lunar Soil,” Lunar Science IV, ed. by J. W. Chamberlain and C. Watkins, Lunar Science Institute, Houston, TX, pp. 118-120, also (Supplement 4, Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 3, pp. 2437-2445), 1973.
  27. Mitchell, J.K., Carrier, W.D., Costes, N.C., Houston, W.N., and Scott, R.F. “Surface Soil Variability and Stratigraphy at the Apollo 16 Site,” Lunar Science IV, ed. by J. W. Chamberlain and C. Watkins, Lunar Science Institute, Houston, TX, pp. 525-527, also (Supplement 4, Geochimica and Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 3, pp. 2437-2445), 1973.
  28. Mitchell, J.K. “Influence of Mineralogy and Pore Solution Chemistry on the Swelling and Stability of Clays,” Proc. Third Int. Conf. on Expansive Soils, Haifa, Vol. 2, pp. 11-25, 1973.
  29. Mitchell, J.K. and Durgunoglu, H.T. “In-Situ Strength by Static Cone Penetration Test, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Moscow, 1973, pp.279-286.
  30. Carrier, W.D., Mitchell, J.K. and Mahmood, A. “The Relative Density of Lunar Soil,” Fourth Annual Lunar Science Conference, Houston, 1973.
  31. Mahmood, A., Mitchell, J.K. and Carrier, W.D. “Grain Orientation in Lunar Soil,” Proceedings of the Fifth Lunar Conference, Supplement 5, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol. 3, pp. 2347-2354, 1974.
  32. Mitchell, J.K. and Houston, W.N. “Static Penetration Testing on the Moon,” Proceedings of the European Symposium on Penetration Testing, Stockholm, Sweden, June 5-7, 1974, Vol. 2:2, pp. 277-284.
  33. Durgunoglu, H.T. and Mitchell “Static Penetration Resistance of Soils: I – Analysis,” Proceedings, Specialty Conference on In-Situ Measurement of Soil Properties, ASCE, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 1-4, 1975, pp. 151-171.
  34. Durgunoglu, H.T. and Mitchell, J.K. “Static Penetration Resistance of Soils: II – Evaluation of Theory and Implications for Practice,” Proceedings, Specialty Conference on In-Situ Measurement of Soil Properties, ASCE, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 1-4, 1975, pp. 172-189.
  35. Mitchell, J.K. and Gardner, W.S. “In-Situ Measurement of Volume Change Characteristics,” State-of-the-Art Report, Session V, Specialty Conference of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Raleigh, North Carolina, June 1-4, 1975.
  36. Carrier, W.D. and Mitchell, J.K. “Geotechnical Engineering on the Moon,” Lunar Utilization, Lunar Science Institute, pp. 92-95, March 1976.
  37. Mahmood, A., Mitchell, J.K. and Lindblom, U. “Effect of Sample Preparation Method on Grain Arrangement and Compressibility in Sand,” ASTM, STP, 599, pp. 169-192, June, 1976.
  38. Mitchell, J.K. “The Properties of Cement-Stabilized Soils,” Proceedings, Workshop on Materials and Methods for Low Cost Road, Rail and Reclamation Works, Leura, Australia, Sept. 6-10, 1976, pp. 365-404.
  39. Mitchell, J.K. “Soil Improvement Methods and Applications,” Utah State University Special Course for Soil Conservation Service Students, January 1977.
  40. Mitchell, J.K. and Wan, T-Y “Electro-Osmotic Consolidation — Its Effects on Soft Soils,” Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, Vol. I, pp. 219-224, July 1977.
  41. Kavazanjian, E. and Mitchell, J.K. “A General Stress-Strain-Time Formulation for Soils,” Specialty Session No. 9 on Constitutive Equations of Soils, Proceedings, Ninth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Tokyo, July 1977, pp. 113-120.
  42. Mitchell, J.K. and Monismith, C.L. “A Thickness Design Procedure for Pavements with Cement Stabilized Bases and Thin Asphalt Surfacings,” Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Structural Design of Asphalt Pavements, Ann Arbor, Michigan, August 22-26, 1977.
  43. Statton, T.C. and Mitchell, J.K. “Influence of Eroding Solution Composition on Dispersive Behavior of Compacted Clay Shale,” ASTM STP 623, 1977, pp.1-10.
  44. Moriwaki, Y. and Mitchell, J.K. “The Role of Dispersion in the Slaking of Intact Clay,” ASTM STP 623, 1977, pp. 287-302.
  45. Rea C. and Mitchell, J.K. “Sand Reinforcement Using Paper Grid Cells,” ASCE Spring Convention and Exhibit, Preprint 3130, Pittsburgh, PA, April 24-28, 1978.
  46. Mitchell, J.K. and Schlosser, F. “Mechanisms, Behavior and Design Methods for Earth Reinforcement,” Proc. International Conference on Soil Reinforcement: Reinforced Earth and Other Techniques, March 20-22, Paris, Vol. 1, pp. 25-74, 1979.
  47. Mitchell, J..K. Boggs, S.A., Rodenbaugh, T.J., Chu, F.Y., Ford, G.L., Radhakrisna, H.S. and Steinmanis, J. “EPRI Soils Research Program,” Proc. 7th IEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exposition, April 1-6, 1979, pp. 108-116.
  48. Mitchell, J.K. “Implications of Soil Microstructure for Macro-Constitutive Relations,” Session No. 57, ASCE Fall Convention, Atlanta, Georgia, October 25, 1979.
  49. Mitchell, J.K. Reinforced Earth: Basic Concepts, Analysis and Design,” Contribution to Session I on Basic Concepts, Design Criteria and Recent Investigations, Sociedad Mexicana de Mecanica de Suelos, A.C., Simposion Sobre Tierra Armada, July, 1980.
  50. Mitchell, J.K. “Soil Improvement: State-of-the-Art,” Proc. Tenth Intl. Conf. on Soil Mechs. & Found. Engrg., Stockholm, Sweden, June 1981, Vol. 4, pp. 509-565.
  51. Mitchell, J.K. and Katti, R.K. “Soil Improvement (General Report),” Proc. Tenth Intl. Conf. on Soil Mech. & Found. Engrg., Stockholm, Sweden, June 1981, Vol. 4, pp. 567-575.
  52. Mitchell, J.K., Villet, W.C.B. and Tringale, P.T. “Acoustic Emissions Generated during the Quasi-Static Cone Penetration of Soils,” Proc., ASTM Symp. on Acoustic Emission in Geotechnical Engineering, STP 750, June 24, 1981, Detroit, MI (V. P. Drnevich and R. E. Gray, Editors).
  53. Mitchell, J.K., McMillan, J.C., Green, S.L. and Sisson, R.C. “Field Testing of Cable Backfill Systems,” in Underground Cable Backfill, S. A. Boggs et al., ed., Pergamon Press, pp. 19-33, 1982.
  54. Villet, W.C.B. and Mitchell, J.K. “Cone Resistance, Relative Density and Friction Angle,” (with Willem C. B. Villet), from Cone Penetration Testing and Experience, edited by G. M. Norris and R. D. Holtz, Proc. Session sponsored by the Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE Natl. Conv., St. Louis, MO, Oct. 26-30, 1981, pp. 178-208.
  55. Mitchell, J.K. and Sitar, N. “Engineering Properties of Tropical Residual Soils,” Proc. ASCE Spec. Conf. on Engineering and Construction in Tropical and Residual Soils, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jan. 11-15, 1982, pp. 30-57.
  56. Mitchell, J.K. “Grouting in the Context of Soil Improvement,” Proc. ASCE Spec. Conf. on Grouting in Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 2, ed. by Wallace Hayward Baker, New Orleans, LA, Feb. 10-12, 1982.
  57. Tringale, P.T. and Mitchell, J.K. “An Acoustic Cone Penetrometer for Site Investigations , Second European Symp. on Penetration Testing – ESOPT II, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 24-17, Vol. 2, pp. 904-914, 1982.
  58. Mitchell, J.K. “Soil Improvement — Its Past, Present and Prospects for the Future,” General Report, Session 3, Proc. Commemorative International Conference of the Mexican Society of Soil Mechanics, Aug. 2-4, 1982, Mexico City, pp. 135-147.
  59. Mitchell, J.K. “Stone Columns for Ground Reinforcement,” Paper prepared for Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees, Cours de Formation Continue “L’amelioration des Sols et des Roches par Renforcement” 19-20 October 1982, Paris, France.
  60. Mitchell, J.K. and Huber, T.R. “Stone Column Foundations for a Wastewater Treatment Plant – A Case History,” Proc. Symp. & Short Course on Ground Improvement, Bangkok, Dec. 1982, 15 pp. (Also published in Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 14, 1983, pp. 165-185.)
  61. Holeyman, A. and Mitchell, J.K. “Assessment of Quicklime Pile Behavior,” Procs., Eighth European Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Helsinki, Finland, May 23-26, 1983, 6 pp.
  62. Celestino, T.B. and Mitchell, J.K. “Behavior of Carbonate Sands for Foundation of Offshore Structures,” Procs., International Symposium on Offshore Engineering,” ‘Brasil Offshore’83,’ Rio de Janeiro, 12-16 September 1983.
  63. Mitchell, J.K. and Collin, J.G. “Earth Walls,” in Cutting Edge Technologies, National Academy of Engineering, National Academy Press, 1984, pp. 161-180.
  64. Mitchell, J.K., Villet, W.C.B., and DiMillio, A.F. “Soil Reinforcement for Stabilization of Earth Slopes and Embankments,” Public Roads, Vol. 48, No. 3, Dec. 1984, pp. 84-93.
  65. Mitchell, J.K. “Improving Arctic Seafloor Soil Stability,” Proceedings of ARCTIC ’85: Civil Engineering in the Arctic Offshore, ASCE, San Francisco, March 25-27, 1985, pp. 1084-1092.
  66. Mitchell, J.K. “Hazardous Waste Containment,” Groundwater in Engineering Geology, Procs. of the 21st Annual Conf. of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society held at The University of Sheffield, England, Geological Society Engineering Special Publication No. 3, Sept. 15-19, 1985, pp. 145-157, 1986.
  67. Bell, F.G. and Mitchell, J.K. “Control of Groundwater by Exclusion,” Groundwater in Engineering Geology, Procs. of the 21st Annual Conf. of the Engineering Group of the Geological Society held at The University of Sheffield, England, Geological Society Engineering Special Publication No. 3, Sept. 15-19, 1985, pp. 429-443, 1986.
  68. Seed, R.B., Collin, J.G. and Mitchell, J.K. “FEM Analyses of Compacted Reinforced Soil Walls,” Procs., 2nd International Conference on Numerical Models in Geomechanics, Ghent, Belgium, March, 1986.
  69. Solymar, Z.V. and Mitchell, J.K. “Blasting Densifies Sand,” Civil Engineering, March, 1986, pp. 46-48.
  70. Mitchell, J.K. “Ground Improvement Evaluation by In-Situ Tests,” Procs., INSITU 86, ASCE Specialty Conference on Use of In Situ Testing in Geotechnical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 6, ASCE, June, 1986, pp. 221-236.
  71. Keaveny, J.M. amd Mitchell, J.K. “Strength of Fine-Grained Soils Using the Piezocone,” Procs., INSITU 86, ASCE Specialty Conference on Use of In Situ Testing in Geotechnical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 6, ASCE, June, 1986, pp. 668-685.
  72. Mitchell, J.K. and Keaveny, J.M. “Determining Sand Strength by Cone Penetrometer,” Procs., INSITU 86, ASCE Specialty Conference on Use of In Situ Testing in Geotechnical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 6, ASCE, June, 1986, pp. 823-839.
  73. Huntsman, S.R., Mitchell, J.K., Klejbuk, L.W. and Shinde, S.B. “Lateral Stress Measurement During Cone Penetration,” Procs., INSITU 86, ASCE Specialty Conference on Use of In Situ Testing in Geotechnical Engineering, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 6, ASCE, June, 1986, pp. 617-634.
  74. Mitchell, J.K. and Y.K. Liang “Centrifugal Evaluation of a Time-Dependent Numerical Model for Soft Clay Deformations,” Proceedings, Symposium on Consolidation of Soils: Testing and Evaluation, For. Lauderdale, Jan. 24, 1985, ASTM, STP 892, 1986, pp. 567-592.
  75. Mitchell, J.K. “Potential Uses of Electro-Kinetics for Hazardous Waste Site Remediation,” Procs., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, University of Washington Workshop on Electro-kinetic Treatment and its Application in Environmental-Geotechnical Engineering for Hazardous Waste Site Remediation, Seattle, WA, August 4-5, 1986.
  76. Mitchell, J.K. “Settlement Analysis and Volume Change Potential Assessment Using In Situ Tests,” Procs., Specialty Geomechanics Symposium on Interpretation of Field Testing for Design Parameters, University of Adelaide, Australia, 18-19 August 1986, pp. 45-60.
  77. Mitchell, J.K. “Material Behavior and Ground Improvement,” Proc., Intl. Conf. on Deep Foundations, Vol. 2, Beijing, China, 1-5 Sept. 1986, pp. 1.1-1.17.
  78. Liang, Y.K. and Mitchell, J.K. “Centrifuge Calibration of Soil Behavioral Models,” Procs. Third International Conference on Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Porto Caras, Greece, September 2-5, 1986.
  79. Human, C.A., Seed, R.B., Mitchell, J.K. and Borja, R. “Predicted Behavior of the Stanstead Abbotts Trial Embankment,” Procs. of the Prediction Symposium on a Reinforced Embankment on Soft Ground, Kings College, London, 17-18 September 1986.
  80. Mitchell, J.K. and Madsen, F.T. “Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity,” Procs., ASCE Specialty Conference on Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal ’87, Ann Arbor, MI, June 15-17, 1987, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 13, pp. 87-116.
  81. Mitchell, J.K. “Reinforcement for Earthwork Construction and Ground Stabilization,” Theme Lecture, Proc. VIII Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, Cartagena, Colombia, August 16-21, 1987, pp. 349-380.
  82. Madsen, F.T. and Mitchell, J.K. “Chemical Effects on Clay Hydraulic Conductivity and their Determination,” Swiss Workshop on Land Disposal, March 14-18, 1988, Conference Center Gerzensee, Switzerland, Nr. 135 Mitteilungen des Institutes fur Grundbau und Bodenmechanik Eidgenossische Technische Hochschule Zurich, 1989, 67 pp..
  83. Mitchell, J.K. “New Developments in Penetration Tests and Equipment,” Spec. Lecture No. 6, Procs., First Intl. Symp. on Penetration Testing (ISOPT-I), Orlando, Florida, March 20-24, 1988, DeRuiter, Ed., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 245-261.
  84. Mitchell, J.K., Jaber, M., Shen, C.K., and Hua, Z.K. “Behavior of Reinforced Soil Walls in Centrifuge Model Tests,” Procs., Centrifuge ’88, Paris, France, April 25-27, 1988, Corte, Ed., Balkema, Rotterdam, pp. 259-271.
  85. Mitchell, J.K. “Densification and Improvement of Hydraulic Fills,” Hydraulic Fill Structures, ASCE GSP No. 21, 1988, pp. 608-633.
  86. Mitchell, J.K. and Welsh, J.P. Soil Improvement by Combining Methods,” Procs. XII Intl. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found. Engrg., Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, August 13-18, 1989.
  87. Mitchell, J.K. “Hydraulic Fills and Seismic Performance,” Construction/Remediation of the Port of Los Angeles Seismic Workshop, March 21-23, 1990.
  88. Mitchell, J.K. and Tseng, D-J. “Assessment of Liquefaction Potential by Cone Penetration Resistance,” Proceedings of the H. B. Seed Memorial Symposium, Berkeley, CA, May 10-11, 1990, pp. 335-350.
  89. Jaber, M., Mitchell, J.K., Christopher, B.R., and Kutter, B.L. “Large Centrifuge Modeling of Full Scale Reinforced Soil Walls,” Procs. of the ASCE Specialty Conference on the Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 18-21, 1990.
  90. Adib, M.E., Mitchell, J.K., and Christopher, B.R. “Finite Element Modeling of Reinforced Soil Walls and Embankments,”, Procs. of the ASCE Specialty Conference on the Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 18-21, 1990.
  91. Mitchell, J.K. and Christopher, B.R. “American Practice in Mechanically Stabilized Earth Systems,” Procs. of the ASCE Specialty Conference on the Design and Performance of Earth Retaining Structures, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 18-21, 1990.
  92. Schmertmann, G.R., Mitchell, J.K. and Chew, S-H. “Reinforced Soil Wall Deformations by Finite Element Method,” Proc. of the International Conf. on Performance of Reinforced Soil Structures, Glasgow, September 1990, pp. 35-40.
  93. Jaber, M. and Mitchell, J.K. “Behavior of Reinforced Soil Walls at Limit State,” Proc. of the International Reinforced Soil Conference on Performance of Reinforced Soil Structures, Glasgow, September 1990.
  94. Mitchell, J.K. and Jaber, M. “Factors Controlling the Long-Term Properties of Clay Liners,” ASCE GSP NO. 26 Waste Containment Systems: Construction, Regulation, and Performance, R. Bonaparte, ed., 1990, pp. 84-105.
  95. Mitchell, J.K. “Soil Conditions and Earthquake Hazard Mitigation in the Marina District of San Francisco,” Bay Area Regional Earthquake Preparedness Project’s “Putting the Pieces Together” Conference, San Francisco, California, October 15-18, 1990.
  96. Mitchell, J.K., Coutinho, R.Q., and the Graduate Students in U C Berkeley CEE Course CE 273, Soil Behavior, Fall 1990 “Occurrence, Geotechnical Properties, and Special Problems of Some Soils of America,” Special Report Prepared for the IX PanAmerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vina Del Mar, Chile, August 26-30, 1991, pp. 91.
  97. Mitchell, J.K. and Mitchell, R.A. “Stability of Landfills,” Prepared for Conferenze di Geotecnica de Torino XV CICLO 19-21 November, 1991, pp. 47.
  98. Mitchell, J.K. “Mitigation of Ground Failure Risk – Some Lessons From the Loma Prieta Earthquake,” Proc. Sixth Australia-New Zealand Conference on Geomechanics, Keynote Lecture, Christchurch, New Zealand, Feb. 3-7, 1992, pp. 1-17.
  99. Mitchell, J.K. and Van Court, W.A. “The Role of Soil Modification in Environmental Engineering Applications,” Procs., ASCE Specialty Conference on Grouting, Soil Improvement and Geosynthetics, New Orleans, LA, February 25-28, 1992, Geot. Spec. Publ. No. 30, Vol. 1, pp. 110-143.
  100. Mitchell, R.A. and Mitchell, J.K. “Stability Evaluation of Waste Landfills,” ASCE Specialty Conference on Stability and Performance of Slopes and Embankments – II, U.C. Berkeley, June 28-July 1, A.S.C.E. Geotechnical Special Publication No. 31, 1992, pp. 1152-1187.
  101. Kayen, R.E., Mitchell, J.K., Seed, R.B., Lodge, A., Nishio, S., and Coutinho, R.Q. “Evaluation of SPT-, CPT-, and Shear Wave-Based Methods for Liquefaction Potential Assessment Using Loma Prieta Data,” Proceedings of the 4th U.S. – Japan Workshop on Earthquake Resistant Design of Lifeline Facilities and Countermeasures for Soil Liquefaction, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 27-29, 1992.
  102. Seed, R.B., Mitchell, J.K. and Seed, H.B., “Stability Considerations in the Design and Construction of Lined Waste Repositories,” Symposium on Geotechnics of Waste Fills–Theory and Practice, ASTM STP 1070, Arvid Landva, G. David Knowles, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, pp. 207-224.
  103. Mitchell, J.K. “Geotechnology and its Importance in Economic Growth, the Environment, and National Security, editorial, Env. Geol. Water Sci. vol. 20, no.3, pp. 155-156.
  104. Chang, M., Mitchell, J.K., Seed, R.B. and Dunn, R.J. “Effects of Basin Geometry on Stability of Lined Waste Landfills,” (with M. Chang, R. B. Seed and R. J. Dunn), Procs., WasteTech’93 Conference, Marina del Rey, California, January 14-15, 1993.
  105. Mitchell, J.K. “Characteristics and Mechanisms of Clay Creep and Creep Rupture,” CMS Workshop Lectures, Vol. 4: Clay-Water Interface and its Rheological Implications, N. Güven and R. M. Pollastro, Eds., The Clay Minerals Society, 1992, pp. 212-244.
  106. Mitchell, J.K., Chang, M., and Seed, R.B. “The Kettleman Hills Landfill Failure: A Retrospective View of the Failure Investigations and Lessons Learned,” Procs., Third International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, St. Louis, MO, Vol. II, pp. 1379-1392, June 1-4, 1993.
  107. Mitchell, J.K. “Fills Over Soft Soils in Seismic Areas – Special Problems and Solutions,” The International Conference on Soft Soil Engineering, November 8-11, 1993, Guangzhou, China.
  108. Zornberg, J.G. and Mitchell, J.K. “Finite Element Prediction of the Performance of an Instrumented Geotextile-Reinforced Wall,” Proc., Eighth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, May 22-28, 1994, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
  109. Salgado, R. and Mitchell, J.K.”Extra-Terrestrial Soil Property Determination by CPT,” Proc., Eighth International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, May 22-28, 1994, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV., Balkema, pp. 1781-1788.
  110. Mitchell, J.K. “Physical Barriers for Waste Containment,” First International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, July 10-15, 1994, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
  111. Zornberg, J.G., and Mitchell, J.K. “Effect of Sloping Backfills on Geosynthetically Reinforced Walls,” Proc. Fifth International Conference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products, Singapore, 1994, ISBN 981-00-5821-7, pp. 201-206
  112. Chew, S-H. and Mitchell, J.K. “Deformation Evaluation Procedure for Reinforced Soil Fifth International Conference on Geotextiles, Geomembranes and Related Products, Singapore, 5 8 September 1994, ISBN 981-00-5821-7, pp. 171 – 176.
  113. Mitchell, J.K. , Bray, J.D., and Mitchell, R.A. “Material Interactions in Solid Waste Landfills,” The Geoenvironment 2000, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 46 , ASCE, Vol. 1, pp. 568-590, 1995.
  114. Nakagawa, K., Soga, K., Mitchell, J.K. and Sadek, S. “Soil structure changes during and after consolidation as indicated by shear wave velocity and electrical conductivity measurements,” Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils, Yoshikuni & Kusakabe (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 537 2, 1995
  115. Mitchell, J.K., Baxter, C.D.P., and Munson, T.C. “Performance of Improved Ground During Earthquakes,” Soil Improvement for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, ASCE Special Geotechnical Publication No. 49, pp. 1-36, 1995.
  116. Narin van Court, W.A. and Mitchell, J.K. “New Insights Into Explosive Compaction,) Soil Improvement for Earthquake Hazard Mitigation, ASCE Special Geotechnical Publication No. 49, pp. 51-65, 1995.
  117. Mitchell, J.K. and Filz, G.M. “Soil Mechanics in Geoenvironmental Engineering,” State-of-the-Art Paper for the Tenth Panamerican Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Guadalajara, Mexico, October 1995. Proceedings Volume 4, pp. 226-252, published by D.R. Sociedad Mexicana de Mecanica de Suelos, A.C., Vale de Brave 19, Col. Vergel de Coyoacan, Mexico, D.F.
  118. Soga, K. and Mitchell, J.K. “Numerical and experimental studies related to the deformation history of the Tower of Pisa,” Compression and Consolidation of Clayey Soils, Yoshikuni and Kusakabe (eds), Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 5372, 1995 pp. 757-762.
  119. Mayne, P.W., Mitchell, J.K., Auxt, J.A. and Yilmaz, R. “U. S. National Report on CPT” Proc. International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing, CPT ’95, Linköping, Sweden, October 1995..
  120. Olsen, R.S. and Mitchell, J.K. “CPT Stress Normalization and Prediction of Soil Classification,” Proc. International Symposium on Cone Penetration Testing – CPT’95, Linkoping, Sweden, October 1995.
  121. Soga, K., Nakagawa, K. and Mitchell, J.K. “Measurement of stiffness degradation characteristics of clays using a torsional shear device,” Proc. IS-Tokyo ’95, Nov. 1995, Balkema, pp.107-112.
  122. Mitchell, J.K. and Cooke, H.G. “Assessment and Mitigation of Liquefaction Risk for Existing Bridge Foundations,” Proc. National Seismic Conference on Bridges and Highways, San Diego, CA, Dec. 10-13, 1995
  123. Soga, K. and Mitchell, J.K. “Rate-dependent deformation of structured natural clays,” Measuring and Modeling Time Dependent Soil Behavior, G. Sheahan and V. N. Kaliakin, eds., Geotechnical Special Publication No. 61, A.S.C.E., 1996, pp.243-257.
  124. Mitchell, J.K., Baxter, C.D.P. and Soga, K. “Time Effects on the Stress Deformation Behavior of Soils,” Proc. Sakuro Murayama Memorial Symposium, Kyoto Univ., April 1997.
  125. Mitchell, J.K. “Geotechnics of Soil-Waste Material Interactions,” (James K. Mitchell), Environmental Geotechnics, Kamon (ed.), 1997, Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 848 7, pp. 1311-1328.
  126. Zornberg, J.G., Sitar, N. and Mitchell, J.K. “Failure Mechanisms in Geosynthetically Reinforced Soil Slopes,” Proc. XIVth International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Hamburg, Germany, Sept. 6-12, 1997.
  127. Mitchell, J.K. and Rumer, R.R. “Waste Containment Barriers: Evaluation of the Technology,” Keynote paper on Containment, In-Situ Remediation of the Geoenvironment, American Society of Civil Engineers, Special Geotechnical Publication No. 71, pp. 1-25, 1997.
  128. Zornberg, J.G., Sitar, N. and Mitchell, J.K. “Failure of Steep Reinforced Slopes,”Proceedings of Geosynthetics ’97, Long Beach, CA, Vol. 1, pp.55-72
  129. Mitchell, J.K. and Filz, G.M. “The Role of Soil Mechanics in Environmental Geotechnics,” Recent Developments in Soil and Pavement Mechanics, Almeida (ed.), Balkema, Rotterdam, 1997, 131-146.
  130. Kayen, R.E. and Mitchell, J.K. “Arias Intensity Assessment of Liquefaction Test Sites on the East Side of San Francisco Bay Affected by the Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake of 17 October 1989,” Natural Hazards, Vol. 16, 1997, pp. 243-265, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
  131. Christopher, B.R., Zornberg, J.G. and Mitchell, J.K. “Design Guidance for Reinforced Soil Structures with Marginal Soil Backfills.” Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Geosynthetics, Atlanta, Georgia, March 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 797-804.
  132. Mitchell, J.K. and Brandon, T.L. “Analysis and Use of CPT in Earthquake and Environmental Engineering,” Geotechnical Site Characterization, Robertson & Mayne, eds., Balkema, Rotterdam, ISBN 90 5410 939 4, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Site Characterization, ISC’98, Atlanta, Georgia, April 19-22, 1998, pp 69-97.
  133. Kayen, R.E. and Mitchell, J.K. “Variation of the Intensity of Earthquake Motion Beneath the Ground Surface,” Sixth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering – Seismic Design and Mitigation for the Millennium, Seattle, Washington, May 31-June 4, 1998.
  134. Mitchell, J.K., Cooke, H.G. and Schaeffer, J.A. “Design Considerations in Ground Improvement for Seismic Risk Mitigation,” Emerging Art Paper, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics III, A.S.C.E. Special Geotechnical Publication No. 75, (P. Dakoulas, M. Yegian, R.D. Holtz, eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 580-613.
  135. Narin van Court, W.A. and Mitchell, J.K. “Investigation of Predictive Methodologies for Explosive Compaction,” A.S.C.E. Geo-Institute Specialty Conference on Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Seattle, Washington, August 3-6, 1998, S.C.E. Special Geotechnical Publication No. 75, Vol. 1, pp. 634-653.
  136. Salgado, R., Jamiolkowski, M. and Mitchell, J.K. “Penetration resistance in sands: analysis and applications to liquefaction potential assessment and estimation of pile base resistance, Revista italiana di geotecnica, Ottobre-Dicembre 1998.
  137. Green, R.A., Mitchell, J.K., and Polito, C.P. “An Energy-Based Excess Pore Pressure Generation Model for Cohesionless Soils,” Developments in Theoretical Geomechanics, The John Booker Memorial Symposium, D.W. Smith and J.P. Carter, eds., Balkema, 2000, pp. 383-390.
  138. Bonita, J.A., Mitchell, J.K., and Brandon, T.L. “In-Situ Liquefaction Evaluation Using a Vibrating Penetrometer,” Soil Dynamics and Liquefaction 2000, Geotechnical Special Publication No. 197, ASCE, pp. 191-205, 2000.
  139. Mitchell, J.K. and Boulanger, R.W. “Post-Liquefaction Remediation of Earthquake Damaged Sites – Some Case Histories,” Proceedings of the 19th Central Pennsylvania Geotechnical Conference, Hershey, PA, May 13-15, 2002.
  140. Mitchell, J.K. “Up and Down Soils – A Reexamination of Swelling Phenomena in Earth Materials,” by James K. Mitchell, Proceedings of the Charles C. Ladd Symposium, ASCE, 2002.
  141. Mitchell, J.K., Boulanger, R.W. and Baez, J.I. (Co-authors of seven sections) Case Histories of Post-Liquefaction Remediation, Technical Committee for Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, TC4, International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Published by the Japanese Geotechnical Society, August 2001.
  142. Mitchell, J.K. “A Brief History of Environmental Geotechnics,” by James K. Mitchell, Geo-Strata, ASCE GeoInstitute, October 2002, pp 26-30.
  143. Green, R.A. and Mitchell, J.K. A closer look at Arias intensity-based liquefaction evaluation procedures Proc. 2003 Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Christchurch, New Zealand, Paper Number 094.
  144. Bryant, L., Mauldon, M and Mitchell, J.K. “Impact of Pyrite on Properties and Behavior of Soil and Rock,” Proc. Soil and Rock America, Pan American Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Boston, MA, Vol. 1, pp.759-766 June 2003.
  145. Mitchell, J.K. and Mitchell, R.A. “Environmental Geotechnics; Two Case Histories,” State-of-Art-and-Practice Paper No. SOAP 9, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, April 13-17, 2004, New York, NY
  146. Green, R.A. and Mitchell, J.K. “Energy-Based Evaluation and Remediation of Liquefiable Soils,” by Russell A. Green and James K. Mitchell, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, (M. Yegian and E. Kavazanjian, ed.), ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 126, Vol. 2, pp. 1961-1970, 2004.
  147. Mitchell, J.K. “Time – The Fourth Dimension of Soil Behavior in Geotechnical Engineering,” The Seventeenth Nabor Carrillo Lecture, Sociedad Mexicana de Mecanica de Suelos, A.C. (SMMS), ISBN 968-5350-12-4, 2004, 73 pp.
  148. Mitchell, J.K. Introductory Comments, Seismic Loading and Ground Modification, Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 9, Special Issue No. 1 (2005)
  149. Mitchell, J.K. “New Frontiers in Geotechnical Engineering – Challenges and Opportunities”, Site and Geomaterial Characterization, J. Puppala, D. Fratta, K. Alshibli, and S. Pamukcu, eds. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 149, 2006, pp.1-15.
  150. Mitchell, J.K. and Liu, N. “Usefulness of EM Waves for Site and Soil Property Characterization in Geotechnical Engineering,” Site and Geomaterial Characterization, J. Puppala, D. Fratta, K. Alshibli, and S. Pamukcu, eds. ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 149, 2006, pp.136-143.
  151. Liu, N. and Mitchell, J.K. “Investigation of False Positives in Database of Liquefaction Assessment Procedure Based on Shear Wave Velocity,” Ground Modification and Seismic Mitigation, Porbaha, S-L Shen, J. Wartmant, and J-C Chai, eds., ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 152, 2006, pp. 365-372.
  152. Mitchell, J.K. “Mitigation of Liquefaction Potential of Silty Sands”, in From Research to Practice in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 180, J.E. Laier, D.K. Crapps, and M.H. Hussein, eds., pp.433-451, 2008.
  153. Mitchell, J.K. “Performance of Engineered Waste Containment Barriers,” ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication No. 177, Geotechnics of Waste Management and remediation, 1- 15, 2008.
  154. Mitchell, J.K. “Mitigation of Seismic Risk to Existing Dams,” Keynote Paper, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication 181, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics,
  155. Mitchell, J. K. “Aging of Sand – A Continuing Enigma?”, 6th International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, Arlington, VA, Aug. 11-16, 2008, 21 pp.
  156. Mitchell, J..K. and Carrier, W.D. III “Geotechnical Engineering Considerations for Extraterrestrial Infrastructure Construction”, in Art of Foundation  Engineering Practice, M.H. Hussein, J.B. Anderson, and W.M. Camp, editors, ASCE Geotechnical Special Publication (GSP) 198, 2010.
  157. Green, R.A and Mitchell, J.K. “Comparison of Energies Required to Densify Liquefiable Soil,” Paper IMI-2, 5th Int. Conf. om Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, May 24-29, 2010, San Diego, CA.
  158. Schaefer, V.R., Mitchell, J.K., Berg, R.R., Filz, G.M., and Douglas, S.C. “Ground Improvement in the 21st Century: A Comprehensive Web-Based Information System,” in Geotechnical Engineering State of the Art and Practice, Rollins and D. Zekkos, eds., ASCE Geotechnical Special Pub. No. 226, 2012, pp. 272-293.
  159. Mitchell, J.K. A Look at the Future of Geotechnical Engineering, Keynote Lecture, Proc. of the 15th Conference on Current Researches in Geotechnical Engineering in Taiwan, September 11-13, 2013, Yunlin, Taiwan, 21 pp.
  160. Hitzman, M.W., Clarke, D.D., Detournay, E., Dieterich, J.H., Dillon, D.K., Eide, E.A., Green, S.J., Habiger, R.M., McGuire, R.K., Mitchell, J.K., Shemata, J.E. and Smith, J.L. “Energy technologies and induced seismicity, Physics and Society, 42(4), 2013, pp. 6-11.
  161. Suarez, N.R., Brandon, T.L., and Mitchell, J.K. Aging of Sands as a Micromechanical Process, GeoCongress 2014 Technical Papers, GSP 234, 2014, pp. 634-643.
  162. Shillaber, C.M., Mitchell, J.K., and Dove, J.E. Assessing Environmental Impacts in Geotechnical Construction: Insights from the Fuel Cycle, GeoCongress 2014 Technical Papers, GSP 234, 2014, pp. 3516-3522.